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What documentation is required and when?
What documentation is required and when?

Settlements limits and documentation.

Updated over 9 months ago

Total Amount Thresholds

Minimum Due Diligence Required

-Withdrawal of up to 10,000 EUR per year

- Email address

- Country of incorporation

- Business sector of activity

- Company’s legal name

- Company’s address, including city and zip code

- Link to a publicly available company website owned under the same company name

- Yearly gross revenue information

- Bank information for settlement

- Business Owner/Representative full name

- Business Tax identification number;

- Business Proof of Incorporation document.

-Withdrawal of more than 10,000 EUR per year

- All the above;

- Business Declaration Form

- Beneficial owner(s) Form(s)

- Bank statement dated within 3 months;

- Identity Document for all individuals with significant control over the business
- Proof of Address document for all individuals with significant control over the business;

- Percentage of ownership for all individuals with significant control over the business.

Withdrawal of more than 100,000 EUR per year

All the above & additional information if necessary.

NOTE: This is not a definitive list. The information and documents requested may vary depending on the business sector, and expected volumes, among others. As the review proceeds, additional elements may be requested.

For any clarification needed, we're always available through [email protected]

​​If you have any additional questions or concerns on your onboarding journey please reach out to us at [email protected]. We'd love to closely assist you :)

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