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Is xMoney available in my country?

What countries are not supported by xMoney

Updated over a week ago

At xMoney, we are quite aware of our responsibilities. This means that we always operate in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. No exceptions. Unfortunately, it also means some places where our services aren’t available.

Due to regulatory restrictions, some countries may not allow entities outside their jurisdiction to provide certain services.

If your business is incorporated in one of the following countries and territories, you won’t be able to use our services:

  • Afghanistan

  • Antarctica

  • Bahamas

  • Barbados

  • Belarus

  • Botswana

  • Bouvet Island

  • Cambodia

  • Central African Republic

  • Congo

  • Cook Islands

  • Côte d’Ivoire

  • Cuba

  • Democratic People's Republic Of Korea (DPRK)

  • France

  • Ghana

  • Guam

  • Iran

  • Iraq

  • Jamaica

  • Kosovo

  • Lebanon

  • Libya

  • Mauritania

  • Mauritius

  • Mongolia

  • Myanmar

  • Nicaragua

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Russia Federation

  • Somalia

  • South Sudan

  • Sudan

  • Syria

  • Trinidad and Tobago

  • Uganda

  • The United States of America

  • United States Minor Outlying Islands

  • United States Virgin Islands

  • Vanuatu

  • Venezuela

  • Western Sahara

  • Yemen

  • Zimbabwe

Bear in mind that these restrictions may vary on a case-by-case basis and depending on the level and nature of the business risks involved. It’s also important to note that special provisions and restrictions may apply to businesses owned by individuals with a political profile or entrusted with a prominent public function (including family members or associates) or incorporated in a high-risk jurisdiction. This list is regularly reviewed by our team and is updated in accordance with our risk assessment and policies.

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